Plant Pals

Did you know that in addition to earning Goals on every purchase at Plant Goals, we also have Plant Pals referral program to help you earn even more awesome rewards?

Heck yes! Keep reading to find out how it works!

💌 Share your love for our shop with your BFFs, family, and everyone else in your life who is as plant-obsessed as you are and you'll BOTH get a reward!

🌿 You will get 15% off any order for every friend you refer

💚 Your friend will get 15% off their first order with us!

To start your Plant Pals adventures:

1️⃣ Click the star button at the bottom right of your screen

2️⃣ Sign into your Plant Goals account (or create one!)

3️⃣ Once you're all signed in, click the star to find your unique referral link

4️⃣ Start sharing and earning!